
shamans tools

Shamanic Healing

An ancient traditional approach to transmuting pain, illness and trauma by “mending the soul,” a shamanic healing will clear blocks and energetic intrusions, restore balance and wholeness, bring guidance and support, build connection with spirit/guides, and honor passages and transitions.

Sessions may include:

  • Working with Power Animals & Guides
  • Extraction, Cleansing & Clearing
  •  Soul Retrieval
  • Healing with the Elements
  • Rites of Passage & Ceremony
  • End-of-Life Transitions (psychopomp)


90 minutes – $175 (in person or remotely)

Shamanic Reiki hands

Shamanic Reiki

Reiki uses simple hands-on or no-touch techniques, along with symbol visualization to gently channel universal life force (ULF) energy and address problems of energy flow on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Treatments can relieve stress and pain, improve the symptoms of various health conditions, promote healing through relaxation, and imbue a sense of peace. A shamanic Reiki session offers expanded and more dynamic ways of working with universal life force energy through the use of diverse shamanic cleansing and clearing techniques during a Reiki energy healing. 

60 minutes – $100 (in person or remotely)



AstroSoulography uses shamanic technology to access the planetary personas and mythographies that define a horoscope and in turn shape our psyche and inform our behavior patterns. Engagement with these astrological archetypes and elements provides deep insight into a range of life matters, including questions of love and relationships, health, career, family and talents. Through the activation of this cosmic blueprint, reconnection and right relationship within is also restored, leading to greater wholeness and self-acceptance as well as more authentic self-expression.

90 minutes – $175

Sacred Space image

Space SOULutions

Every aspect of our lives—from our career goals, romantic relationships and physical fitness to our creativity, success, wealth, and spiritual development—is impacted by how we arrange, design and care for our spaces. Informed by shamanic practices, foundational feng shui precepts, and a deep knowledge of astrology and numerology, Space SOULutions seeks to reshape a space both physically and energetically to heal both the space and the client’s relationship with it.  Through a combination of journey work, spatial treatments, and curative arrangements/placements, both client and space are brought into harmony and alignment, paving the way for supported growth and balance.

Introductory Consultation (30 minutes) – $50  (can be applied to Consultation & Report fee)

Full Consultation & Report (8 hours) – $500; includes home walk through and evaluation, report preparation, and follow up treatment recommendations session